This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Greeley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Greeley, Abigail
1749-09-09 |
1819-02-05 |
Pettingill, Andrew,
Severance, Peter
Greeley, Abigail
1787-06-10 |
1871-09-17 |
Lovering, Benjamin,
Pillsbury, Joseph
Greeley, Agnes L.
1880-09-16 |
Greeley, Betsey
1764-07-27 |
Hazard, James
Greeley, David
1762-04-05 |
1783-08-05 |
Greeley, David
1785-02-12 |
Pattee, Judith
Greeley, Eugene H.
1872-01-13 |
1879-05-14 |
Greeley, Hannah
1769-01-16 |
Parker, Nathan,
Flanders, Daniel
Greeley, Hannah
1772-03-26 |
1838-09-28 |
Pettingill, Benjamin
Greeley, Harriet Goodrich
1817-07-12 |
1892-04-27 |
Payne, Luther E
Greeley, Jane
1780-08-30 |
1845-09-30 |
True, Jacob,
Dickinson, Jonathan Esq.
Greeley, Jonathan
1770-12-23 |
1771-04-15 |
Greeley, Jonathan
1773-01-23 |
Sawyer, Sarah
Greeley, Lucy
1777-01-17 |
Morrill, Jeremiah
Greeley, Mary
1760-12-18 |
Foster, Jonathan
Greeley, Matthew
1759-12-03 |
1842-06-24 |
Stevens, Abigail
Greeley, Matthew Jr
1788-11-01 |
1847-07-09 |
Byington, Orra C
Greeley, Miriam
1767-04-05 |
Harriman, Noah
Greeley, Nancy Ann
1812-06-13 |
1904-01-09 |
March, Isaac Watts
Greeley, Phillip
1783-02-22 |
Garland, Polly
Greeley, Rebeckah
1779-10-30 |
Fullington, George
Greeley, Robert J.
1878-06-05 |
1879-04-29 |
Greeley, Samuel
1775-06-22 |
1832-05-23 |
Garland, Jane
Greeley, Sarah
1765-10-11 |
Foster, Richard
Greeley, Shenbel
1782-05-18 |
1868-03-22 |
Whitney, Lydia
Greeley, Shubael
1730 |
1814 |
Pettingill, Hannah
Greeley, Solomon
Holmes, Dorothy A.
Greeley, Solomon Bartlett
Corser, Louisa
Greeley, Susan B
1815-03-15 |
1898-12-26 |
Jones, John
Greeley, Walter F.
1874-11-16 |
1879-04-22 |