Stoddard, Sarah

Birth Name Stoddard, Sarah 1
Married Name Chubbuck, Sarah 1
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1771     1


Family of Chubbuck, James and Stoddard, Sarah

Married Husband Chubbuck, James ( * + 1884-12-11 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1771     1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Chubbuck, Sarahabout 1789
Chubbuck, James Martin17951860-01
Chubbuck, Solomonabout 1796
Chubbuck, Charlotteabout 1797
Chubbuck, Abigailabout 1798
Chubbuck, Edwardabout 1804
Chubbuck, Jamesabout 1805
Chubbuck, Maryabout 1805
Chubbuck, Matilda1814-08-28
Chubbuck, Philineabout 1815
Chubbuck, Edwardabout 1816