Bowman, Fred N. 1a

Birth Name Bowman, Fred N.
Gender male



Built the West Falmouth United Methodist Chruch in 1901 to meet the needs
of the small congregation which had been
meeting just across the street in a building
deemed irreparable. Mr. Bowman also was
responsible for the construction of the West
Falmouth Library, Emerson House, formally
the Swift Estate, and several residential


Family of Bowman, Fred N.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Bowman, Eulinda


    1. Bowman, Fred N.
        1. Bowman, Eulinda

Source References

  1. Feeney, Cathy: "Meet the Crockers" in The Parish Post
      • Date: 2014-02-14
      • Source text:

        as interviewed by Cathy Feeney
        Harriett Eulinda Bourne was born
        October 20, 1936 at her home on the Bourne
        Farm. She is the youngest of five children,
        two brothers and two sisters.
        George Whyte Crocker was born on
        February 3, 1933 in Boston, MA and is the
        eldest of three boys.
        Harriett was educated within the
        Falmouth School System and graduated
        from high school in 1954. She went on to
        Fisher Junior College and had a great
        experience living on Beacon Street until her
        graduation in June 1955.
        Summer jobs were a lot of fun since
        she worked as a waitress in a variety of local
        Falmouth restaurants. Her first full-time job
        was at Otis Air Force Base as an Admin-
        istrative Assistant. In September of 1956,
        Harriett relocated to Boston and lived on
        Huntington Avenue where she was em-
        ployed by Manpower as an Administrative
        Assistant. Her journey continued, and in
        December of 1956 she landed a great
        opportunity with TWA as a Flight
        Attendant. This provided her the
        opportunity to travel and live in a number of
        locations and travel to many places,
        including Europe.
        George was also raised and educated
        in Falmouth. Upon graduation in 1950, he
        enlisted in the US Navy as a Seaman and
        served on the USS Yellowstone. After his
        time in the Navy, he came back to Falmouth
        where he held several positions ranging
        from truck driver to a mover for a local
        moving company. Later he became a police
        officer where he had the opportunity to go to
        the Police Academy and earn many awards
        as a sharpshooter. For the next thirteen
        years, George served as one of Falmouth’s
        finest!!! He then went on to work in the
        private sector in excess of twenty-seven
        years and continues to this day to be his own
        The Crockers met through her
        brother-in-law, dated and were engaged for
        a year. They were married in 1960 in our
        WFUMC, and their reception was at a Bed
        and Breakfast, which is now the Emerson
        House. They were blessed with two
        children, Stephen Mark and Scott Lee; three
        grandchildren, Andrew John, (18), Caroline
        Emily (13), and Matthew Alex (8). Their
        lives revolved and continue to focus on
        family. Harriett is proud to share that she
        was fortunate to be a stay-at-home MOM
        and worked only part-time as a real estate
        broker while her sons were young. When
        they were grown, she commenced full-time
        employment at the Sea Crest Resort in North
        Falmouth working as an assistant to the
        General Manager for twenty-five years
        before retiring in 2010.
        Spending time with the Crockers, for
        me, was an historical journey of Falmouth.
        Harriett’s grandfather, Fred N. Bowman,
        built the WFUMC in 1901 to meet the needs
        of the small congregation which had been
        meeting just across the street in a building
        deemed irreparable. Mr. Bowman also was
        responsible for the construction of the West
        Falmouth Library, Emerson House, formally
        the Swift Estate, and several residential
        Little known facts: Harriett has been
        an active member of WFUMC since three
        years of age, and the ice cream shop next to
        our Church was named after her MOM.
        Harriett was born on Bourne Farm, as I
        mentioned, and it located next to the
        Crocker Pond! Now, there is a coincident!!!
        Spending time with the Crockers was
        a delight, but perhaps my favorite activity
        was traveling with Harriett to view all of the
        places that she shared with me including, but
        not limited to, the Bourne Farm and Crocker
        Pond, as she narrated all the historical
        significance of each and every location. I am
        in agreement with a statement shared with
        her upon her engagement to George:
        like you are going to be related to everyone
        from Falmouth to P-Town!
        Truer words
        were never spoken!!!!
        Cathy Feeney
        Friday, February 14, 2014