Stone, Rachel

Birth Name Stone, Rachel 1
Married Name Cobb, Rachel 1
Gender female


Family of Cobb, Thomas and Stone, Rachel

Married Husband Cobb, Thomas ( * 1683-06-01 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1710-01-01     1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Cobb, Eunice
Cobb, Abigail1711-03-29
Cobb, Nathaniel1713-10-151763-02-14
Cobb, Elizabeth1715-02-14
Cobb, Samuel1717-03-20
Cobb, Matthew1719-04-15
Cobb, David1721-02-281757-05-23
Cobb, Henry1724-04-16
Cobb, Ebenezer1726-04-3008 JAN
Cobb, Thomas1726-04-301726-08
Cobb, Mary1731-11-071817-05-20