Family of Eastman, Joel and Pettingill, Betsey


Married Husband Eastman, Joel ( * 1760-11-23 + 1849-05-23 )
Married Wife Pettingill, Betsey ( * 1763-04-22 + 1867-09-30 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage       1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Eastman, Sally1786-04-201858-08-01
Eastman, Pettingell1788-12-091788-12-10
Eastman, Pettingell1789-11-181790-01-15
Eastman, Betsey1790-12-121806
Eastman, Mehitable1793-09-251836-06-07
Eastman, Nancy1796-02-081828-09-26
Eastman, Joel1798-02-221884-03-16
Eastman, Lucia1800-08-031872-12-08
Eastman, Gilbert1802-07-05
Eastman, Marcia1804-09-151871-12-02
Eastman, Betsey1808-10-27