Military Service
Date | between 1776-09-20 and 1776-12-24 |
Place | Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts |
Note: 1
As a private in the Army. War record: "Capt Abram Washburn's Co, Col John Cushing's Regt. Capt John Ames' Co, Col Edward Mitchel's Regt. Roll dated Bridgewater."
Note: 2 (Source text)
Maine, 31529
Amasa Tribou,
of Cumberland in the State of Maine who was a private in the Compy commanded by Captiain Washburn of the rgt commanded by Col (????) in the Mass. line for 6 mos 11 days.
Inscribed on the Roll of Maine at the rate of 21 Dollars 22 Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of Pension isssued the 19 day of Sept 1838, and sent to Francis Bradford, Portland, Maine
Arrears to the 4th of Sept '38 $159.15 Semi-anl allowance ending 4 Mar '39 10.61 = $169.76
Revolutionary Claim Act June 7 18(??)
Recorded by D.M. Gurdy, Cle(rk)
Book 6 Vol. 1 Page 59
Note: 3 (Source text)
United States of America
Maine district SS
At a special district court of the United States begun and holden at Portland within and for said district on the 12th day of July AD 1835 before the Honorable Ashur Ware judge of said court. On this 12th day of July aforesaid personally appeared in open Court before said District Judge Amasa Tribou a resident of Minot in the county of Cumberland in said Maine district aged seventy three years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as therein stated in under the command of Captain Abraham Washburn and lieutenant Whitman Howard, that he was drafted as a private into a company under their command at Bridgewater in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the fall of the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, that he served at Newport in the state of Rhode Island in the States' service a term not less than two months under the command of the above named officers. And the said Amasa Tribou on his oath of aforesaid further states that in the month of December and the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven he was drafted as a private into a company under the command of Captain Abraham Washburn in a regiment commanded by Colonel Ebenezer Sprout, that he served at North Kingston in the state of Rhode Island in the stated service a term not less than three months until some time in the month of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight. And the said Amasa on his oath aforesaid further states that at the time the British fleet entered Newport, he thinks the latter part of the month of December of the year 1776 he marched in common with other volunteers from said Bridgewater to Bristol in the state of Rhode Island, that he was there drafted into a company under the command of Captain James Cotton (?) - the lieutenant's name he does not recollect, Ensign Jesse Howard - the commanding officer of the regiment was major (???) Carey - that he served in the militia at that time a term not less than 6 weeks, of this service it is impossible for him to produce any further proof there being no living ......
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on any pension role of any agency in any state or (if any) only on that of the agency in the state of (blank)
Amasa Tribou
And the said Amasa Tribou on his oath aforesaid further states in answer to the interrogatives prescribed by the War Department then he was born at Bridgewater aforesaid the 14th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty, that he thinks there may be a record of his age at said Bridgewater, that he was living at Bridgewater aforesaid when called into this service, that he was drafted into the militia in the State's service, that he moved from Bridgewater aforesaid 31 years time in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred two to Minot aforesaid in the county of Cumberland where he has since resided, that he resided at Bridgewater aforesaid from the time of his birth until he removed to Minot, that he does not recollect the names of the regular officers other than as above, that he never received a written discharge, that he would refer to George Ricker clergyman of said Minot and also to Nathan Warren of said Minot to attest to his declaration for truth and veracity
And the court do here by declare their opinion (after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatives prescribed by the War Department) that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and he served as he states
I John Mufsey (?) clerk of the district Court of the United States for Maine district, do hereby certify, that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of Amasa Tribou for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and a fixed the seal of the said court on this 12th day of July AD one thousand eight hundred thirty three
John Mufsey (?) } Clerk of the U. States District Court for Maine District
State of Maine
Cumberland Co.
I Amasa Tribou of Minot in the county of Cumberland on oath depose and say that in addition to my former declaration now on file at Washington I make the following supplemental thereto.
I served at Newport in Rhode Island two months under the command of Captain Washburn in the year [1776] seventeen hundred seventy six, and also at Bristol in same state 6 weeks in the years [1776 + 1777] seventeen hundred seventy six and seventy seven, I served at North Kingston 3 months in the year [1777 + 1778] seventeen hundred seventy seven and seventy eight in a company commanded by Capt Washburn in Regt commanded by Col Sprout. The Col Sprout that I served under was father to the Col Sprout who served in the Continental army.
I further state that the service in Bristol Rhode Island was in a company commanded by Capt James Allen in Col Cummings regiment. for proof of the service under Capt Allen I refer to the deposition of Simeon Pratt of Bridgewater
Amasa Tribou
Cumberland Co. August 7 th 1838 there personally appeared Amasa Tribou and made oath to the truth of the above declaration by him (???)
Before me /s/ Stephen Packard { Justice of the Peace
Goes on for a number of pages, see the PDF and the exhibit on citation number C3177
Source References
- Compiler: Maine, Veterans Cemetery Records, 1676-1918
U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900
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Maine Revolutionary War Bounty Land Applications, 1835-1838
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