Military Service
Date | from 1758-04-05 to 1779-08-27 |
He was in Simeon Carey's co., Doty's regt., April 5 to Nov. 25, 1758; had two meals on government account at Wrentham from John Goldsbury, on his way home from the army, Nov. 6, 1758; in Capt. Eliphalet Philips' co., service June 17 to Dec. 24, 1760; roll dated Boston, Jan. 28, 1761. He (of Worthington) served in Major Jonathan Clapp's regt. July 10 to Aug. 12, 1777 ; service to the west-ward under Gen. Schuyler. He was also in Benj.Bonney's CO., Col. Elisha Porter's regt., enlisted July 21, discharged Aug. 27, 1779; service at New London, Conn. He bought land in Aug. 19, 1762; sold land June 14, 1771. Bridgewater. Moved to Worthington, Mass., then to Otsego co., N. Y., about 1785