Date | between 1611 and 1612 |
Place | England, United Kingdom |
Description | Likely. See notes |
Jamestown, Virginia
The Deliverance and The Patience reached Jamestown, Virginia on 24 May
1610. The colony was found to be ia a severe condition of want and despair. Sir
Thomas Gates, who on landing was now the Governor of Virginia, pending the
arrival of Lord De La Waar, decided to abandon the blighted settlement. On the
10th of June, in four pinnaces, the inhabitants left with the intent of sailing up to
Newfoundland where English fishermen might be of assisitance.
The next day, as they progressed down the James River, it was Iearned that
the ship bearing Lord De La Warr was nearby. They returned to Jamestown. De
Le Warr did some rebuilding of forts and sent for supplies.
Stephen Hopkins was in Jamestown, but there is no record of his ownership
of property or any participation in the affairs of the colony. It is not known if he
served as the chaplain's assistant while in Virginia. His recent escape from execution
in Bermuda no doubt placed him under some stigma with Governor Gates and
others in authority. He was probably eager to return to England to be with his
family and awaited an opportunity to make the voyage. It should be remembered
that Hopkins did not have the intent of immigrating to Virginia.
When did Hopkins return to London? Sir George Somers left Virginia on 19
June 1610 with a crew to get pigs on Bermuda. Somers died in Bermuda and the
party went on to England with his body. In the autumn of 1610 Sir Thomas Gates
returned to England. In March of 1611 Lord De La Warr retumed. In May 1611
Sir Thomas Dale left for Bermuda and then on to England. Hopkins may have
gone back in one of these voyages. Some sources indicate that he retumed to
England sometime in 1611 or 1612.